We are an Education/College Admissions consultants. We work with students and their parents to figure out which school a student should apply to. Help those with A level Result gain Admission into University, as we encourage working class aspire and gain Admission to run their masters or Conversions from HND holders to degree holders mainly on Weekend programs. 

We also guide our prospective students through the application and form filling and of course secure Admission for them into a reputable Institution.


With a 100% RECORD in our JUPEB Program, we also pride ourselves in our GUU Degree Programs that comes with dedicated and instructive lectures to full time mentoring and purposeful positioning

We analyze your personality, inclinations, potential, interest, even skills to provide you with the advice that best suits you for academic choice making. Especially when you're confused or unsure of the latest practices in the field of education, a consultant can provide you with the most reliable information, also have teaching or administrative experience serving as an advisor in all areas of education. Our focus is in training and advising members of the educational community on the most valuable courses in any given Country, Academic policies, student's expectations, expected financial implications, important level and importance of Academic excellence.

The *IJMB* examination is primarily for Advanced Level subjects for Direct Entry into 200 level in the Universities. The syllabus for the IJMB Examination is compiled in line with international standard educational requirements and admission requirements of various Universities in Nigeria.

What is JUPEB?
Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) is an Advanced Level examination body established and coordinated by the Universities or Centres. Basically, the programme is similar to the Interim Joint matriculation Board (IJMB) coordinated by Universities and many recognized universities in Nigeria.
Candidates who successfully complete ONE-YEAR programme, after examinations administered by JUPEB, will gain Direct Entry admission to 200 Level Degree programmes in Nigerian University both private and State.

Through our highly qualified tutors, we provide intensive lectures in relevant subject combinations in line with JUPEB syllabus in the following subject combinations:
BCP – Biology/Chemistry/Physics
MGE – Mathematics/Geography/Economics
EGL – Economics/Government/Literature-in-English
GLR – Government/Literature-in-English/Religious Studies
AEG – Accounting/Economics/Geography or Government
CMP – Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics
EGM – Economics/Government/Mathematics
BEG – Business Management/Economics/Government
ABG – Accounting/Business Management/Geography or Governement
Candidates who successfully complete this ONE-YEAR programme, after examinations administered by JUPEB, will gain Direct Entry in admissions to 200 Level Degree programmes of GREGORY University and other universities in Nigeria.

Please fill the online form below to begin your academic journey. Fields marked with asterisks are very important.